Monday, August 6, 2018

6 Affordable Ideas For Restaurant Remodeling Atlanta Diners Will Appreciate

By Eric Wright

The restaurant business is extremely competitive. Owners who can't find a niche market, or ignore current trends in dining, find themselves without customers and with a shrinking bottom line. In addition to good food, customers want to eat somewhere that is clean, pleasant, and up to date. If you've purchased a closed eatery and want to reopen with a bang, there are low cost ideas for restaurant remodeling Atlanta diners will take notice of.

It may not be necessary to start from scratch with your renovations, especially if you are on a tight budget. Instead of completely reworking the exterior, you could start with repaving the walkways and parking area. Adding shrubs and flowering plants makes a difference and will make your entrance more inviting. The entrance itself can take on a new look with the addition of a canopy or revolving door.

Paint is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to create a whole new look to a room. You can decide whether to paint the exterior as well as the inside. Painting a commercial establishment should involve more than just picking your favorite colors. There is psychology involved as well. Certain colors and color combinations create specific responses in diners. Red and orange will whet their appetites.

You can do a lot to the interior without breaking the bank. If you've decided to replace the floors, you might raise a section of the room. You'll have to add lighting to make the steps easy to maneuver. You might divide one large room into several smaller private, or semi-private spaces. Half walls will give your diners a sense of privacy. Adding planters to the half walls will make the space more inviting and increase the feeling of privacy for customers.

Skylights are a great way to add drama to a room. You don't have to remove the whole roof if you don't want to. You could install several smaller skylights in a pattern. The natural light coming through these lights is something diners will enjoy and remember. You should see some savings as well. The natural light will reduce the amount of time the indoor lights are in use. Refinished tables and chairs are sometimes more pleasing than brand new ones.

Don't forget about the kitchens and bathrooms when you are renovating. If the bathrooms are in decent shape, you might consider upgrading the sinks, fixtures, and flooring. Old kitchen appliances have to go. You should budget for new appliances, sinks, fixtures, and preparation areas. The food will taste better, and your staff will be happier.

Consider adding a patio area to the outside of your restaurant. Most people love to eat outside when the weather cooperates. They will sit and have drinks and appetizers longer outside than in. This will add to your bottom line and increase your foot traffic.

The restaurant business can be extremely lucrative for those who are smart and lucky. Customers will show up for great food and a fun atmosphere. A thoughtful remodeling job will be money well spent.

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