Thursday, August 2, 2018

Reason For Hiring Land Acquisition Consulting Kenya

By Ryan Jones

The land issue is a very emotive one in Kenya. It is a major issue attributed to conflicts among the communities in the country. As a result of the sensitivity of such an issue, there was a need to streamline the processes of land transfer. This resulted in the entrenchment of the national land commission in the 2010 constitution which is tasked with addressing issues related to properties in the country. This gives you the importance of land acquisition consulting Kenya.

Consultants in this field are required to prepare the necessary schedules for this project. They will also ensure that the necessary facet of the property purchase such as land laws and regulations are followed in the project. This will also put proper mechanisms that will ensure there are regular updates as regards the project.

The consulting firm will provide the procures with professional advice and skills necessary for property transfer. It will initiate negotiation processes with the general public. Since they are equipped with strong interpersonal skills, the consultants are able to gain access rights to the prospective property. They achieve this by sharing the benefits that the public will gain from this decision thereby ensuring it is a win-win process for both the government and the public.

By ensuring you get right of entry, the consultant will have you given you the access to conduct soil sampling. The results will determine whether you will need to continue with the acquisition process. Having done that, the consultant then sets the ground for negotiation and full acquisition.

The nature of the task dictates the impact it will have on the general public. It is the role of the consultant to explain to the affected public the effect of the impacts of this task. This will form the basis of the relocating them to enable to project to start. The will also be tasked with the role of scheduling and enforcing the relocation process for the affected population.

In every property purchase, there is always a form of compensation. The expert ensures that a valuation is conducted on the property to ascertain the current value of that property in question. This will ensure that both the government and the owner of the property will benefit from the purchase. It will also assist in the formulation of the budgetary requirement for the commencement of such a project.

To avoid legal battles which would eventually affect the progress of the venture. It is the role of the property transfer consultant to ensure they conduct a thorough title search for the property. This will ensure that only the verified rightful owners of this property will be compensated. It will also save the venture the money which would have been used for procuring legal services.

The consultant will also be tasked with the role of preparing the necessary legal documentation for the task. This will ease the transfer process thereby speeding up the project inception. Using the available forecasting data the consultant will be better placed to provide advice on the necessary expansion plan which will be important to plan for future right of way access

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