Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Signs In Your Office Space Are An Important Part Of Your Branding Strategy

By Virginia Patterson

Indoor signage is just as important as its outdoor equivalent. It's not enough just to make your location known to potential client pools and the world at large. Once people are in your Des Moines office space, their perception of your brand is shaped by not just the aesthetics, but also the interior signs.

Think that promoting your brand out there is enough to make a large enough impression? Think again. In a world where people are constantly bombarded with sales pitches, achieving this is a lot harder than it seems on paper. It's for this reason that you need indoor signage to remind everyone who comes into your premises of where they are. It's the perfect way to put your name and logo in people's faces, literally.

The need to have a unique personality goes hand-in-hand with that of expressing it within and around your office. Considering that this is the heart of your business, it's fair to say that you'll never have a better opportunity to do this. Indoor signs will help clients recognize the fact that you are not just another run-of-the-mill company.

Don't think that branding your office is all about impressing clients -- it also helps your workplace community feel like they belong there. This in turn paves way for a mood of teamwork and cooperation. Besides, who among them wouldn't love to be reminded of what attracted them to your organization in the first place?

So, what exactly should your signs say? It all comes down to your goals -- whether it's to inform, inspire, or even excite the readers. Keep in mind, however, that today's audience is one used to getting clear and concise messages. Your signage should therefore cut to the chase.

The rule-of-thumb with fonts is to pick from your standard palette, but this goes hand-in-hand using a maximum of 2 per design. Make sure that they complement each other to make your message stand out. Speaking of which, the wording also needs to be legible when viewed from a distance (read large enough).

While colors play a key role in signage design, choosing them isn't an exact science. Still, it goes without saying that you'll want to pick hues that are suitable for an indoor environment. Also be sure to consult your printer before proceeding any further.

Signage that is funny or cute will not only grab attention, but it's also likely to stick in people's mind longer. Better yet, some of them might feel inclined to take a snap and share it on social media. And don't think that humorous signs will dilute your professional image -- in fact, it's a great way to show that you're a fun business. Just be sure to keep it appropriate.

It would help to keep track of your business traffic after putting up your signage. Think of this as a way of testing it out to see if there's anything that needs changing. Although this will require a bit of time and effort on your part, it's basically a journey towards perfection (or somewhere close).

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