Saturday, August 11, 2018

Useful Information About C Arm X Ray

By Elizabeth Burns

The term C-arm is used to refer to an imaging machine that is based on X-ray technology. Basically, it is an imaging scanner intensifier that can be used flexibly in different kinds of operating rooms in a health facility. The name C-arm is usually derived from the C-shaped arm that is used to connect the source of X-rays to the x-ray detector. Although c arm x ray devices have radiographic capabilities, they are mostly used for fluoroscopic intraoperative imaging.

These devices are usually used in surgical procedures, emergency care, orthopedic, cardiology and traumatology. There have been various improvements made on the device since it was first introduced in the field of medicine during the year of 1955. This device is used to give real-time X-ray images that are of high resolution. This makes it possible for surgeons to be able to oversee and make corrections straight away when needed during a surgical procedure.

There are certain versions of the device that are secured permanently in the position they were originally set up. However, there are certain models that are movable and such models are referred to as mobile of portable C-arms. The mobile C-arm is made up of a flat-panel detector which is also known as an image intensifier and a generator.

The machine has capabilities of movement due to the C-shaped connection between the machine components. For example, the movements can be horizontal, around swivel axes, and vertical. Such movements equip the machine with capabilities of capturing x-ray images from any desired angle. The x-rays produced by the generator are directed on to the body part in need of the x-raying.

When the x-rays make contact with the body and pass through, they are detected by the detector, which converts them into a visible image. The image produced is then displayed on a monitor. With these images, physicians are able to check anatomical details like bones. They are also able to check the position of surgical instruments and implants in the body.

Nowadays, flat-panel detectors are being used commonly. Image intensifiers (II) were commonly used in the past as elements of detecting images in a fixed room system. Detectors have more advantages that include lower patient dose and increased image quality and for this reason they are becoming more popular. In addition, detectors produce images that are more durable.

Flat-panel detectors are much more expensive compared to image intensifiers. Even though they are more expensive, flat-panel detectors are still preferable because their size has been reduced significantly compared to that of image intensifiers. The small size makes them more accessible to patients.

There are a number of major manufacturers who are in control of the production and market of C-arms. Some of these manufacturers include GE healthcare, Philips, Siemens and Ziehm. Every one of these manufacturers try to make their models better by making improvements on certain features on the equipment. Some of the most common aspects on the device that manufacturers compete on include price, size, quality of the image produced, x-ray doses and Portability among other features. C-arms prices keep going down due to high competition by manufacturers.

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