Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Using An Online Career Portfolio App Is Better For Job Searches

By Diane Johnson

While there are many places to apply for work, there are usually a limited number of opportunities. Getting a job these days is less of a routine task and more about creativity for some positions. A unique presentation is what will help an applicant stand out from the rest and there are many online career portfolio apps that can help with creating an impressive work history.

Although some people may think that adding a lot of extras may take too much time, it helps to look at the effort as an investment. Being shy in a competitive industry rarely guarantees a paycheck and certainly does not help anyone move up the ladder. Using the modest traditional resume that lists skills at the bottom is becoming a thing of the past.

Anyone who speaks with a modern career consultant will be told not just show off skills on paper but work on their branding. Make a presence in an entity related to an industry outside of punching a clock. Join a live or online group. Write articles for various mediums or publish a periodical that relates to a specific genre.

This also includes social media activity that may reflect changes or other positive information about an industry. Users with an active profile should make sure that their responses are not defamatory against any individual or company, even if the information is true. While some may disagree with this practice, it helps to play things safe when looking for a new opportunity.

For anyone looking to use social media, they can start by joining social networking sites and sharing interesting articles or relevant posts. Profile links are easy to add to an online portfolio and some employers are impressed if there is something worth showing off. If a person has an account with content that may be considered objectionable, it is best to create a separate account and use links that relate to industry topics.

For instance, it helps to use an account that is designated for professional use, not personal. Secondly, the content used must relate to a specific industry or interest related to the job position or company. Finally, content must be substantial as well as positive. Anything that is negative or slanderous can give a prospective employer the wrong idea.

Because time is limited due to the great number of resumes being submitted, those that seem to go above and beyond in satisfying the job qualification are considered first. While there are exceptions, others without the wow factor are discarded. A lot of these portfolio apps have tutorials that can show anyone how to rework their traditional resume so that it is suitable for electronic submission.

Taking time to craft the modern resume will certainly pay off. Some employers have different requests, like sending everything as a PDF or plain text format. It may also help to experiment with different styles to see which gets the best response. This is the type of testing is what businesses do to determine whether a marketing tool will be successful or needs work.

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