Thursday, August 23, 2018

What Would Your Options Be When It Proves Difficult To Sell Your House?

By Peter Anderson

Do you suspect your home might be cursed? Nothing spooky or weird, but why else can't it find a buyer even after you've spent endless time and energy getting the word out? More importantly, what course of action should you take when it proves elusive to sell your house Walpole Massachusetts? As it so happens, there are several things you can do to get yourself unstuck from the rut:

Refresh Your Photos: It could be that the reason your house can't find buyers is your photos not being up to scratch. No seriously -- if they aren't showcasing your home's best features, why would someone bother to come and view it? Consider swapping them with fresh, better-lit images, of course making sure to reword the description while you're at it. It may also help to bring in a professional photographer this particular time.

Hire a New Agent: For one reason or the next, it could be that your current realtor isn't a good fit for you. Alternatively, they not be putting their best efforts into marketing your property. Either way, a different perspective and skill set might be the ingredients needed to get your sale unstuck.

Reconsider Your Price: It seems natural to want to make as much money as you can from the sale of your property. Still, pricing it for more than it's worth won't do you much good, even if you're willing to negotiate. Repricing doesn't mean that you'll be leaving money on the table -- the goal is to make interested buyers feel that your home is within their reach.

Try Selling Later: On paper, it's possible to sell a home at just about any time of year. In practice, however, real estate sales tend to rise and fall hand-in-hand with local temperatures, Chances are that you hit a market slump when your listing went up. As such, it might be worth taking down your listing and try selling again during the spring or summer.

Roll up Your Sleeves: Chances are that you've received some feedback about what people don't like about your home. From a buyer's point of view, this would be red flag suggesting that your house isn't in a 'move-in' condition. So don't be shy about rolling up your sleeves to make the relevant improvements. The only rule of thumb here is to avoid overcommitting.

Rent it Out: This would be helpful if you're desperate to move or having trouble covering your mortgage payments. Keep in mind, though, that it will take a bit of work to find good renters and manage the property. You should therefore consider outsourcing the burden if it makes sense.

Trying to figure out why your home can't find buyers after weeks of showings? Painful as it is to be in your situation, it's in your best interest to start exploring solutions. On that note, perhaps the most important thing you could do is to ensure your house is always ready to show. You never know when someone will want to come by at a moment's notice.

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